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Welcome to FBC Murphy

Here you will discover a welcoming group of authentic people committed to following Jesus. 

Sunday's @ FBC Murphy

Life Groups - 9:30 AM

FBC Murphy provides life groups weekly for adults, young adults, students, and children as a time to grow as disciples through God’s word.

Worship Service - 10:30 AM

FBC Murphy gathers weekly for a time of contemporary corporate worship, prayer, scripture memory, and learning of God’s word through expository preaching through the books of the Bible.

What to Expect

Below you will find some quick information to help you get to know a little bit about us.

Arrival Time

Many people arrive 10 minutes early. There is coffee and many of our members enjoy a few minutes of socializing before our services start.

What to Wear

Be relaxed or dress up, we're just happy to see you.

Worship Style

We are blessed to have many musicians. Each week we rotate through different groups who help bring us to a place of worship.

Teaching Style

Each Life Group class shares a Biblically-focused lesson. Each sermon is shared through expository preaching.


FBC Murphy welcomes families and provides many ways for the whole family to be connected.